VIROQUA CHAMBER MAIN STREET - Official Website Home > Viroqua Chamber Main Street > City-Wide Rummage

City-Wide Rummage

Get great deals on items across Viroqua at the City-Wide Rummage Sale! It’s is a chance for people to host their own yard sales, engage with their neighbors, and reduce waste by buying and selling within our community. Plus, the Westby Citywide Rummage is that same weekend –– make a wishlist, or just go try to see what treasures you can find!
Our upcoming weekend sales date is April 27-29, 2023. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram, or sign up for our community calendar newsletter to get notified of when the next one will be!

Items for sale usually include

Clothing for all ages, toys, furniture, crafting materials and art, books, kitchen supplies, storage, antiques, stereo equipment and other technology, and more! A list of promoted sales are included in the map below. We’ll post more information closer to the weekend.