Free Chamber Class – Marketing & Design
Western Technical College - Viroqua 220 S. Main Street, Viroqua, WINeed help taking your brand and/or your marketing plan to the next level? Starting a new business and not sure...
Need help taking your brand and/or your marketing plan to the next level? Starting a new business and not sure...
Instructor: Nicholas WazeeGale This will be an entirely outdoor program in wilderness skills, tracking, observation, way finding, meeting your needs,...
Learn with instructor Georgia Mommaerts how to spin wool on a wheel. Use your own, or one of Ewetopia’s. This...
The Friends of Vernon County Parks and Forests will be hosting “Snowcially distanced” guided winter walks exploring various Vernon County...
Instructor: Julie Tomaro Clothing the deceased in a burial shroud is a traditional way of preparing a body, popular throughout...
Now is the time to begin starting some seeds for Spring! Come find out about good methods, best timing, and...
Your business plan is key for launching, managing, and growing your business and necessary to secure business financing. Join us...
A solid business plan is key for launching, managing, and growing your business and necessary to secure business financing. Join...
In this two-day class, you will learn to weave a traditional Western European "square base" willow basket using simple tools...
By popular request, the Wisconsin Main Street will be hosting a workshop featuring strategies and tactics to help directors (or...