Home > HWY 14/Main Street Improvements

HWY 14/Main Street Improvements


September 16th is the planned start date for Phase 2 construction, Decker to South Street


Update 9/13/2024

Highlights: No parking on Main Street starting Sunday night. Project starts Monday. 

The project officially starts Monday, September 16th.  As of Sunday night (12:00 AM Monday) there will be no parking on Main Street. In order to ensure that the parking areas are open for the lane change on Monday, the traffic control company is coming in on Sunday to put out the no parking signs. For approximately the next two weeks, there will be construction in the center two lanes, therefore traffic will be driving in the two outermost lanes (i.e. the current parking lanes). 
This phase of construction will install the red crosswalks at Court, Jefferson and Terhune. Concrete repair work will also be happening at this time. There will be a temporary loading zone established on the north side of east Jefferson near the Main Street intersection which is intended for business use. Additional areas can be considered, please connect with me to discuss. 

A public information meeting for the project was held on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, click here for a video of the meeting Public meeting video

If you would like to receive information on updates and changes regarding the Main Street Improvement Project, you can join an email list by filling out this Microsoft form: Main Street Improvement Email List

The City of Viroqua’s Main Street will be undergoing significant safety improvements over the next two years. Improvements will be made across two projects. The first, completed in 2023, altered areas outside of the downtown and the second, in mid-September 2024, focuses on the downtown corridor.  

The 2024 Main Street improvements will take place downtown to improve crossing safety and enhance the downtown experience. Bump-outs will be used to shorten the crossing distance, and left-hand turn bays and one-way side streets will aid traffic flow. A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) will be installed at Jefferson Street crossing and the current traffic signal moved to the South Street intersection.

Restriping the existing four-lane highway to a three-lane section with one lane in each direction and a two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL) has been completed. This project also (re)installed Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) at Broadway and Oak Street and minor geometric adjustments at the US 14/WIS 56 (Main and Decker St.) intersection to improve truck turning movements.


Crossing Highway 14 safely affects residents and visitors of all ages and abilities, impacting access to schools, downtown businesses, and other important amenities.

Conversion to the two-way left-turn lane configuration provides the following benefits.

  • Reduces rear-end, left-turn and sideswipe crashes
  • Effectively moves traffic by removing left-turning vehicles from the through lane
  • Provides better access to side roads and driveways
  • Provides fewer travel lanes for pedestrians to cross
  • Allows easier and safer emergency vehicle movement, particularly during peak-hour periods

The benefits of downtown bump-outs and one-way side streets are as follows.

  • Shortens the street crossing for pedestrians and improves the vehicle/pedestrian line of sight
  • Improves traffic flow through downtown and reduces vehicle and pedestrian crossing conflicts
  • Promotes traffic calming, slowing traffic speed to improve safety, by narrowing the roadway
  • Provides room for additional streetscape features and additional parking on side streets
  • Provides directional curb ramps for safer crossings


The first improvement completed in late 2023 was funded by the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). It involved sections of Main Street outside of downtown, from Brendel Lane to Highway 56 and South Street to Rusk Avenue. The second improvement, planned for 2024, is funded by the Transportations Alternatives Program (TAP) and involves sections of Main Street in the downtown, from Hwy 56 to South Street. 

With these two projects combined, the City has received $935,000 in grant funding from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The City will be contributing the remaining $450,000 through tax increment district funds.

What is happening in 2024 (August-December)? 

There are many improvements taking place within this Downtown Main Street project.

1. Downtown side streets are moving to an alternating one-way configuration. Court Street will stay the same. Jefferson and Terhune will be similar to the current Court Street.  

2. Angled parking on one-way side streets. The current format on Court Street will stay the same. Angled parking will be added on both east and west Jefferson Street and west Terhune Street one block off of Main Street.

East Jefferson Street

West Jefferson Street

West Terhune Street

3. Installation of left-hand turn lanes on Main Street at Court and Terhune. This example is at Terhune Street.


4. Colored crosswalks. This example is at Terhune Street.

5. Jefferson Street. Traffic Lights will be replaced with a Rapid Flashing Beacon (Pedestrian Crossing Lights).

6. South Street Traffic Signal (Relocated from Jefferson)

7. Radius changes NW corner of Main and Decker. Turning radius enlarged moving the curb back 15ft. Traffic signals moved with curb. Standalone pedestrian push buttons.

Closure plans

Main Street will always be open to traffic, however, during construction there will be no parking on Main Street in the downtown between Decker and South Street. Closure will follow Phases A, B and C. The order of the phases will be determined by the contractor.

Phase A: Traffic will travel in the outside (parking) lanes and construction will occur in the two center lanes.

Phase B: Traffic will travel in the two westernmost lanes and construction will occur in the two easternmost lanes.

Phase C: Traffic will travel in the two easternmost lanes and construction will occur in the two westernmost lanes.


Closure of crosswalks to occur on one side of two intersections at a time. Closures will simultaneously occur at the 4 intersections. Closures will follow Phases A, B, C and D.